

Python Version

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Showing 4 outstanding Python books published on

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming for Total Beginners

by Al Sweigart

Hands-down one of the best books for learning Python. It teaches an absolute beginner to harness the power of Python and program computers to do tasks in seconds that would normally take hours to do by hand. This practical hook makes the book accessible and fun to read. The updated second edition came out in November, 2019 and has a new chapter on input validation, as well as tutorials on automating Gmail and Google Sheets, plus tips on automatically updating CSV files.
Published on : Nov. 12, 2019
Python version: TH
592 pages
Available for free here

Effective Python: 90 Specific Ways to Write Better Python

by Brett Slatkin

If you have been programming in Python for a while and want to master the language, this is one of the best books to do just that. Originally written in 2015 by the Google veteran Brett Slatkin, the book just went into its second edition in November, 2019. It now teaches 90 ways to write better Python code instead of just 59.
Published on : Nov. 25, 2019
Python version: TH
480 pages

Mining Social Media: Finding Stories in Internet Data

by Lam Thuy Vo

BuzzFeed News Senior Reporter Lam Thuy Vo explains how to mine, process, and analyze data from the social web in meaningful ways with the Python programming language. Find answers to these tantalizing questions: Did fake Twitter accounts help sway a presidential election? What can Facebook and Reddit archives tell us about human behavior? It's free to read online!
Published on : Nov. 25, 2019
Python version: TH
208 pages
Available for free here

Hands-On Docker for Microservices with Python: Design, deploy, and operate a complex system with multiple microservices using Docker and Kubernetes

by Jaime Buelta

If you are web developer, you must have heard of microservices, Docker and Kubernetes. Microservices architecture - a very trendy topic as of November, 2019 - is the antithesis of huge monolithic systems. It encourages breaking down complex web systems into small interconnected building blocks, managed by small independent teams. This book guides you on how to develop these complex systems with the help of containers using Docker, Kubernetes, and, of course, Python.
Published on : Nov. 22, 2019
Python version: TH
408 pages